



拥有超过15年的经验!先进的抹灰工艺是最高水平的!总是干净整洁!我相信这是绝对必须的,我对你过分强调这一部分,因为在建筑工地工作和在别人家里工作有很大的不同,特别是如果他们在隔壁房间!不同的方法、态度和心态!抹灰是一个混乱的行业,但我向你保证,我们会尽最大努力照顾和保护你的财产,当工作完成时,除了我们的工作,他们将几乎没有任何痕迹,我们曾经在那里!我们做了大量的保险工作,知道我们对我们的期望是什么,所以我向您保证,您可能需要的是您的家在良好的管理下,您可以放松,因为知道这项工作将由懂得礼仪的商人以有组织的专业方式进行!我们为我们对细节的关注而自豪,并拥有坚实的不断增长的声誉!在过去,我们为大型建筑组织如Broakoak, Medlock和thompson进行商业工作,为Hungry horse, Wetherspoons和Britannia酒店等特许经营连锁店签订合同!如今,我们试图让自己在当地做私人家务,我们的日程表很忙,我们的业务不断增长,没有理由回到商业工作,与太多的中间人打交道! I much prefer to deal direct with the customer in a friendly professional manner! We are a happy hard working team that handle ourselves with a certain level of class and maturity! This helps build a good relationship and understanding between us and you the customer which i feel is vital to the course. With our old skool morals, our positive attitude and good manners means there wont be any untowards childish behaviour, nor do we feel the need to communicate with each other by talking over a loud radio and swearing all the time! Again we fully recognise the fact your home is not our building site! think it's just as important to mention things we do as well as things we don't do! Sort of information you maybe wouldn't ask for but can all of a sudden hold much importance for piece of mind so it's good to cover as much as possible in this induction! you can rest assure that nothing but our upmost respect will be shown towards you, your family and also towards your neighbours! Which overtime I've learnt can be a factor in certain situations especially on the domestic scene! It can be just as much of an inconvenience to them as it is to you! it's only right they politely get shown the common courtesy needed in these circumstances! Sometimes their satisfaction can nearly be as important as our customer satisfaction! All what we have preached about above can be seen in our pictures or mentioned on our positive feedback and will show you that we take great pride in our work! And do our best to keep our quotes competitive, fair and low.





