Sebastian Maracine

你好,我们are a qualified team of tradesman that can deliver your job at high standards and competitive price on quotes. Please have a look on our profile and see our works done. Our best work it's in: - Painting-decorating - Tiling - Bathroom fittings - Flooring - Wallpaper/plaster.


  1. Tiling
  2. Hard Flooring
  3. Painting & Decorating

About Sebastian Maracine

With our experience of 9 years working in London, we complete many bathrooms/wood floor/decorate properties inside and also external/offices and communal areas. If you have any questions about your job don't hesitate to contact me. We deliver a job clean and tidy, removing all rubbish and guarantee our works.


Level 3NVQ Tiling
Level 3NVQ Flooring
Level 3NVQ Painter-Decorator

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