


2012年,我们搬进了新建的住房协会公寓。在第一年开始嘎吱作响,我报告了这一点,因为它在我们搬进来的第一年恶化了,随后每年都因为嘎吱作响的恶化和蔓延。声音大到门外都能听到我睡觉的声音。承包商被派去检查有关人员。当我问他担心什么时,他拒绝说,说承包商的意见并不重要,因为这只是一个意见,承包商总是试图得到更多的钱。我再次询问承包商的调查结果,因为我有权知道。他告诉我诊断是错误的。但他拒绝接受我没有被水损坏的说法,这是不正确的,因为我有三次严重的漏水被忽视了。没有听到任何声音,所以我再次询问,被告知总监正在更改工作订单,因为他的工作订单不再合适。承包商又来测量了。当他掀起乙烯基时,他很惊讶,并说修理将是一个问题,因为我的地板与我的邻居不同,我下面没有混凝土。他说他已经修好了我邻居8-9块地板。我被告知承包商会直接通知我。我在邻居家看到承包商之后。 I asked him when he would start as waited weeks.He said the landlord wasn't happy about his cost and to contact them directly, so I did.was told I had to have a loss adjuster inspect for their insurance claim. He inspected and said he had concerns about the work order as my walls were hollow and holding the wall.Landlord said the surveyor had left the company and my rpair was overlooked, November the works began. when the flooring was lifted up, the guys said there was a problem as the flooring was uneven. surveyor arrived a few hours later. I heard the surveyor disagreeing with the guys and being told to do as he had instructed them. The surveyor denied any problems so I asked for reports again. The work took five days For the whole living room, kitchen, hallway and entrance of my bedroom.The bathroom was also meant to be done but this got changed last minute.The last day after fully being completed, although most of the creaking was gone, the entrance of the hallway by the front door was still creaking. it had nothing to do with the contractor as they only did what they were instructed. When the surveyor arrived, I told him I was not happy.Within days, the creaking started spreading in the hallway outside the liv. Ispected after a few weeks who told me the noise was minor and it was normal for floating acoustic floors to creak. They reported to the ombudsman that the flooring had been repaired an dnoise was minor.where the vinyl has been replaced in the hallway and kitchen, you can see the wood ply, wooden plank sort of risen, sticking out. You can also feel dips in the flooring when walking. Also you can see and feel the nails slightly poking



我有丰富的声学地板的经验,如果这是,事实上,在你的原位。在我看来有点不太可能,如果是这样,安装完全不正确。如果,让我们说,这个隔音地板的安装是为了确保冲击声音传递到下面邻近物业的水平保持在最低水平,我的意思是应该符合当前的文件E 2003版(声音通过阻力),那么情况显然不是这样的。

2020 - 03 - 14 - t00:47:14 + 0



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