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Large roof truss

Hi, my roof is made up of lots of small roof trusses that are approx 3 x 2 but I have one that is something like 9 x 3. It’s not centre but is approx 1/3 - 2/3 of the width of the attic. Strange why it was never made to be centre but none of them in my street are. Can some please tell me the name of that particular truss. Thanks
Hi thanks, I don’t think it’s a purlin, as a purlin would be under the roof trusses acting as a support, just to clarify, all the trusses are 3 x 2 except this odd one, it goes in the same direction as the others but it’s made from far greater in size wood. The horizontal one is approx 9 x 2 but the two that come off that to make the triangle up are bigger again at 9 x 3. I’ve heard of a king truss but can’t seem to find any info on it other than a kings post, which it definitely isn’t. Off that huge triangle is 2 off 3 x 4’s pegged on to it and travel in both directions and vanish into my next door neighbours houses where they get pegged into another huge truss. Does this make it any clearer? Shame I couldn’t add a photo

4 Answers from MyBuilder Roofers

Best Answer

If if goes horizontally I suspect it is a purlin.


Answered 23rd Aug 2019

It's a purlin


Answered 23rd Aug 2019

Its hard to understand from your details, but if what your talking about IS a truss and there is only ONE, then its a king truss, if there is two they are queen trusses, if its just a thick length of wood going horizontally its a perling.


Answered 25th Aug 2019

你好,我想说it’s also a purlin


Answered 29th Aug 2019

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