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Landscape Gardening

Incorrectly laid patio


Trying to get my patio corrected as it's not laid square nor in line with where I specified.

Guy is coming back Tuesday to do the jointing. Am I right in thinking I'm best for pushing that he doesn't do this if my preference is he lifts it all and repositions is square and inline?

4 Answers from MyBuilder Landscape Gardeners

Best Answer

I'd come 4inch of the wallthen set my string line the line don't lie


Answered 4th Jun 2022

Hi Danny,

Yes - if you’re not happy with the lay, then waiting until after the pointing is done will just cause you (and your tradesperson) more aggravation.

Either you can come to live with them where they are, or if you are going to move them then that needs to happen now (you just need to have that awkward conversation with your paver).

Hope this helps.
Best, Shaun


Answered 5th Jun 2022

Yes if your not happy with the job then ask the guy if he can relay it or perhaps there is a reason why he had to lay the patio like that ?
But from your explanation the guy doesn’t really know what he is
doing and just laid the patio how he thought.


Answered 5th Jun 2022

Yes if you want it redone tell him to relay as if it has to come up again no point in pointing!
Or get someone else to fix it.

Use Pythagoras is therory to check square.
Measure 4m out from wall make a mark (with chalk) (opposite to hypotenuse) .

Measure 3m along the wall make a mark (base on triangle)

The measurement from mark to mark =Hypotenuse (longest side will equal 5/m is square )
Half or double all measurements if patio is smaller than 3,4,5, or larger e.g 1.5,2,2.5 or to scale up 6,8,10 can be done in any measurement metric,imperial,.
As for level use a string line set above patio use a line level to insure level and measure down from string to slabs at multiply points if all the same measurement it is level.
however a patio should have a fall to direct water of to prevent puddling.
The fall is normally between 5-10mm per meter. Give or take depending on tradesman.
Hope this helps.


Answered 10th Jun 2022

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