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Glazing vintage window frame and install

Hi there. We'd like to install a vintage Crittall window into an interior wall. At the moment it's a plain stud wall so we'd need the opening to be made before installation.

Also, to make things more complicated, the vintage Crittall window frame we want is is currently unglazed…

So we'd need:
- Glass supply and fit for the vintage frame
- An opening made in the wall
- Window install and make good

The only response I’ve had from a window co is that they only install their own products, so I’m wondering what trades/specialisms would be needed. Is this something another window installation co could do? Or would they only do part of the job and we should contact a carpenter/builder to do some parts of the job? Also, would I need a specialist glazier?

Any advice would be most appreciated. Many thanks!

5 Answers from MyBuilder Window & Door Fitters

Best Answer

Hi there did you get frame sort and glazed as iam free for quotation if you ant had it done AFglazingservices Tony


Answered 30th Jul 2022

Hi. You need a glazer. Not a double glazing company. You'll have to ring a few till you find one interested, even then you may still need a carpenter/General builder to make the opening and make good.
It seems a lot of work to put an old crittal in.


Answered 30th Jul 2022

Sounds like a carpenter should be able to carry most of the work out .
It’s just on the glazing as a putty finish will be required.


Answered 4th Aug 2022

A decent builder can make the hole,fit and glaze the window.
Relatively simple.
If a block wall you may need a lintel


Answered 16th Aug 2022

The frame just needs to be drilled and screwed on opening , anyone with diy skill could do this. As its glazing the frame will then have glass installed and normally on these frames they are putty fronted which you should use a certain type because linseed will over time start to crack and break away as the oil will not soak/ adhere to frame. If it is metal beaded with corner clips then the glass can be siliconed in and sealed. A glazier should fit the glass as its in metal frame but some multi trades will also be able to glaze as its not difficult. Sounds like a simple job to me


Answered 16th Aug 2022

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