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Loft Conversions

Loft converted into a study room but want to convert it into a bedroom, building control query?

我的阁楼转换为书房,基本ly a room that that didn't have much purpose to it and was not used and isn't used regularly. However, I'd like to convert it into a bedroom. I was told at the time by the builder that I wouldn't require building control or planning permission as it's not classed as a habitual room. The loft has walls are boarded, plastered, no insulation, a couple of flat windows (pivot?), electric sockets and light that was done by a certified electrician, pull up stairs and boarded floor but not sure if done properly to pass regualtion. I'm starting to plan around it but, will I get into trouble with the building control for converting the loft already? Can we only refurbish certain aspects of the loft to meet building control standards? Can tradesmen issue building control certificates? Thank you in advance.

4 Answers from MyBuilder Loft Conversion Specialists

Best Answer

If u are inside the roof u won’t need a building Controle,if u are thinking of changing the roof structure u do need drawings as well As building controlE


Answered 30th May 2020

If your converting the loft space into a bedroom you ABSOLUTELY need building regulations!!! No questions asked!!
Heat insulation
Noise insulation
Fire regulations
Fire escape means
Electrics certificate
Structural engineers report if steels are required

I think you need to speak to your local building control before you take the chance of building it without inspection.... and no, builders do not issue their own building regulations certificates


Answered 31st May 2020

As you have a pull down stairs it's not consider a permanent area. If you want to make it a bedroom, then contact an Architect and get plans drawn up for a proper loft conversion which will include a full permanent staircase that will be granted under the permitted development rules. Most like you will have to take out what has been previously done as you haven't mentioned that a steels were use to create a new floor. I suspect that your floor board's are directly on top of you current first floor ceiling and as such is totally incorrect and very dangerous.


Answered 31st May 2020

You would have to get building control approval to convert into a bedroom.what you have done at the moment would not pass regulations.You would have to start from scratch and get structural drawings done and building control approval.They would check the work as you or your builder does it.


Answered 31st May 2020

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